Monday, October 19, 2009

Learning in immersive worlds

Having just finished my second assignment I thought I would share an interesting report that I used while I was writing it. In my assignment I looked at the educational benefits of using gaming as a tool to teach information literacy (and the other literacies as well). Some of the most interesting reading came from a JISC funded report called Learning in immersive worlds by Sara de Freitas. The report is designed to "inform practitioners who are considering using games and simulations in their practice." (p. 3) and both reviews the literature and looks at case studies. My particular interest was MMORPGs (massivley multiplayer online role playing games). De Freitas' report came up with a number of conclusions:

  • games need to be embedded into practice to ensure effective learning

  • More research is needed to provide empirical evidence for how game-based learning can be used most effectively

  • more effective supporting materials are needed to support practitioners wishing to use game-based learning approaches

  • new developments including the serious games movement are informing the development of games for learning

  • there is a great potential and need for tutors and practitioners to become involved with games development for learning

  • there is a need for more opportunities for staff development to support tutors wishing to adopt game-based learning in their practice

  • there is the potential for learners to become more empowered with game-based learning. (p.7)

De Freitas, S. (2006). Learning in immersive worlds: A review of game-based learning. Bristol: JISC. Retrieved from

This report and other research I read made me think that I wished I had allowed my kids more freedom when playing online games when they were younger. A lecturer was asking me the other day if they should be allowing their kids to play online games, and I had to say a definite "yes." I think one of my holiday projects will be to become involved in playing a MMORPG - a bit of fun profesional development. If anyone out there knows a good game for an aging (bit keen!) librarian to become involved with, please let me know.